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22 September 2006:  Transnational Call in Transport Logistic - Germany and Austria Launch Coordinated Call

German and Austrian research programmes coordinate calls in transport logistics

The ERA project ERA-NET transport has brought together a number of public transport research programmes to prepare the grounds for coordinating research in the field of transport. The process has led to the launch of transnational coordinated calls between Germany and Austria to enable setting up trans-national cooperation projects in transport logistics.

The German Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) launched the call on 15 September 2006 in "Intelligent Logistics" under the "Mobility and Transport programme, while the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) followed on 22 September 2006 with a call under the "Intelligent Infrastructure subprogramme of the Intelligent Transport Systems and Services" (IVS2) programme.

The calls are open to proposals for cooperative research and development projects in the fields of "Organizational solutions" and "Operational concepts" of trade and goods transport for innovative logistics, based on the provisions of each national call.

The coordinated call is of interest to several other countries - which, due to national funding rules were not able to join the coordinated call. Nevertheless, opportunities will be explored to allow for information exchange and project clustering between running and new projects - in particular, such opportunities are being examined in Sweden.

About ERA-NET Transport

ERA-NET TRANSPORT is a project financed from the EU’s Sixth Framework Programme with 14 partners from 11 European countries aiming to build a European vision for transport research and promote sustained co-operation between national transport research programmes.

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